Essay On Archeology

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This study focuses on the connection of Archeology with different forms of science and even statistics. Archeology has been the major component for many years when it comes to studying human activity and remains of the past and has been used in different areas around the world. There are also many different forms or types of archeology. An important form of archeology is archaeological science or also known as archaeometry. Archaeometry helps narrow down what time period something was created, died or how long it has been around. You are able to study and look back at human activity such as trade routes and diets. With these major proponents Archeologists are able to draw or paint a mental picture about how a certain area looked like. Obsidian sources, diets, deoxyribonucleic acid, dating techniques, residues, neutron activation analysis (NAA), and x-ray fluorescence (XRF) are all major areas that make up archeological science. Also, there are many different types of dating techniques that help in this process. With the dating techniques you can narrow down a time frame if not the actual date when a material was around. NAA and XRF help characterize different materials and residues assist with goods found such as wine and chocolate; obsidian sources give assistance to finding trade routes.
Have you ever been curious about artifacts or old paintings, not just the meaning behind them but where they come from or when they were made? You’re able to find out a lot of solutions and answers to those types of questions due to archeology. Archeology means "the study of human activity in the past, primarily through the recovery and analysis of the material culture and environmental data that they have left behind, which include...

... middle of paper ... known as ionizing radiation.
• Dendrochnology Dating - Uses the “rings” of trees to find a date on them or on different types of wood.
• Radiocarbon Dating - The use of Carbon -14 to find or estimate the age of different materials.
• Thermoluminecense Dating - Is used when an object is affected by heat or the sun and develops or contains crystalline.
• Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Dating - The dating technique that focuses on electrons that are not paired.
Archeology has changed over the years especially archeological science. There are many parts to archeological science but they all come together at the end to create a great way to learn about the past. Although it may be very descriptive it is very helpful. Archaeometry is one of the most accurate when it comes to a certain date so it will continue to be one of the most popular branches of archeology.

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