Essay On Alexander Pope And Nietzsche

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The role of man in the cosmos is a topic of great debate among philosophers throughout history. Alexander Pope and Friedrich Nietzsche were two writers who took on this challenging dilemma in two very different fashions. I will be using Pope’s “An Essay on Man” in order to show and discuss his beliefs on the subject and Walter Kaufmann’s Portable Nietzsche as my source for Nietzsche’s opinion on the topic. Although both tackle the issue, they go about it with two very different processes. Alexander Pope’ Epistle I directly focuses on the topic “of the nature and State of Man, with respect to the Universe.” Pope begins by naming his task to “vindicate the ways of God to man.” He wants to explain the cosmos in ways in which man can understand it. This severely limits what you can and cannot use to validate his views because he must start within the framework of man (Pope, Section 1, 17-33). He discusses systems and frames of reference as creating bounds by which to consider the universe. This is clear because it would be impossible to understand things that are not even in the same system of thought. If one attempts to arrive at a conclusion that is outside the system then they would not have the process to be able to achieve that goal. Pope then goes on to describe the shortcomings of man and how they are currently failing. This is important to understand because they are not fulfilling their role in the cosmos. He discusses the pride of man and how as he attempts to get closer to God he is actually getting farther and farther away. He cannot begin to judge what is perfect and good. That is the role of God and when humans try to imitate Him they create a foundation of failure and go against the cosmos (Pope, Sec... ... middle of paper ... ...ving for something that does not exist, God. Pope’s solution is that man should just stop striving and should instead accept what is and stop worrying about what he/she does not understand. For Nietzsche, he wants man to live for themselves. Instead of focusing on another entity, they should be the best that they can be for their own good and health. The common issue in philosophy over how man should act within the larger universe is a very interesting problem. When Pope and Nietzsche tackle it, they both come at the problem with very different approaches in how they argue their points and in the actual solution. Such drastic differences in their opinions of God seem fundamental in their solutions to this classic dilemma. Whether we are too prideful or believing in something that does not exist, one thing is true. Humanity in its current course is failing.

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