Essay On Agricultural Ecosystem

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Ecosystem is the scientific study of interaction of living and nonliving things with each other but if any ecosystem is created artificially and is maintained to satisfy human needs is called agriculture ecosystem or agroecosystem.
Natural ecosystems usually contain hundreds or thousands of species of organisms and are very complex in their functioning. But agricultural ecosystems are relatively artificial and are being modified and controlled by humans. The main characteristics of agriculture ecosystems are:
• They contain fewer species and are simpler in their functioning.
• Agricultural ecosystems are made up of largely domesticated animals and plants that are used to produce food for humans.
• In agricultural ecosystems, …show more content…

For this artificial water ecosystem are made in patches of land and fishes are cultivated there.

Energy flow in agricultural ecosystem
Agriculture ecosystem is designed in such a way that maxim of sun energy can be utilized to maximize production of specific crop. It involves two fold processes:
1. Human and animal labor, fuel power machines and many other sources are used to convert sun energy directly into food.
2. Genetic engineering is used to transfer only desirable triads in plants and animals into next generations to maximize the yield of specific products from them.
In a food chain, there are basic steps that carry solar energy to human. Plants use soil nutrients, water and carbon dioxide from the air, and with the sun energy and produce food that is utilized by animals and humans. This can be shown as: Development of agricultural ecosystem
Why is agricultural ecosystem developed?
About 10% of world ice-free land is cropland and is covered with grasslands, forests, deserts and wetlands and 20% is pasture that is designed for animals rather than plant production. So, about 30% of the terrestrial world surface is available for agricultural

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