Essay On Addison's Disease

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What’s an Addison’s disease? Addison’s Disease is a rare condition men or women can get this disease. Only one in 100,000 people unfortunately have this disease. There are many different treatment option for this disease and symptoms. Many people who have Addison’s disease can live a normal life as long as they take their medication. Did you know even John F. Kenney has this condition. The reason a person might get this disease is because, just above each of your kidneys is a small adrenal gland. The adrenal glands produce hormones that you can’t live without including cortisol. Cortisol has many other important functions in our body but the most important role that it helps us by responding to stress. It also helps control your body’s use of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. The Aldosterone helps your kidneys by regulating the amount of salt and water is in your body. This is the …show more content…

Some of the symptoms are chronic fatigue,and muscle weakness nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. You can also have low blood pressure which causes dizziness and you can even faint. Another symptom is dark tanning and freckling to the skin. Freckling skin is more noticeable when some of your body parts are exposed to the sun. There are many symptoms you should be aware about not all of these symptoms indicate you have addison’s disease it could also be another different type of disease. The symptoms of Addison’s disease progress slowly which means you won’t notice the symptoms till you get a stressful event such as an accident or illness. When this occurs it’s called Addisonian crisis. Addisonian crisis could be fatal so it is considered a medical emergency.Did you know one in four people with Addison’s disease is their first time they realize they are ill. Some symptoms of addisonian crisis includes that you may have a fever, low blood pressure, weakness and fatigue, loss of consciousness and also when your body does not get enough bloss

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