Essay On Active Transport

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In order to gain a sustainable mobility many actions in the name of Mobility Management (MM), also called Transportation Demand Management (TDM), which defined by Jones [4] as ‘motivating individuals to willingly change to more sustainable transport modes by providing detailed travel information and stimulant and by using marketing techniques focusing on personal travel behavior’ are used. It emphasized the movement of people and goods, not just motor-vehicles, and giving priority to public transit, ridesharing and non-motorized modes [5]. The characteristics of MM measures are cost effective, quick to implement, easy to modify and is a good support for infrastructure measures. One form of mobility management, which relates to travelling to school, have been develop and implemented in many developed countries, namely Active School Transport, also known as Safe Routes to School, Active Travel to School, Active Transport, Active School Travel, Active Commuting to School, Travel Smart School, and other more names which all more or less have the same meaning as an action of creating a neighbourhood that encourage people to actively walk or cycle to and from the service stops [6]. Garrard [7] giving clear information and source of references for the benefits of active transport. She gathers the important point of the benefits as shown on Figure 1. In brief, the benefits of active transport in terms of physical activity ‘will creates higher bone density which is essential for protecting against osteoporosis in later life’ [8]. Moreover, it will contribute to reducing the prevalence of overweight and obese. While in terms of mental health, it will minimize the chance for a psychological distress [9]. In the context of intelligent quoti... ... middle of paper ... ...etected only for coming from school, which can be understandable since the speed of pedicab may not compete with other modes in the rush morning hour. From the data gained it can be said that majority of student are still using inefficient modes of transport, motor cycle and car, for travelling to and from school, which exceed 50%. If this condition running longer, thus the already unsustained urban transport will become worst and worst. Considering that the trip to school is categorized as regular trip which conducted on everyday basis, consequently it will significantly impact on Surakarta urban transport. Moreover, from the existing condition in the field, the morning rush hour traffic is mostly an escorting trip to school. Therefore, the significant better changes will occur on city traffic if the mode of student for school can be shift to more sustain modes.

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