Essay Comparing The Hunger Games And Lord Of The Flies

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Compare contrast essay The story of the lord of the flies and the hunger games are, in my opinion, alike. Throughout both stories, survival is everything. Also throughout both stories it's a constant fight for survival,HOWEVER, what they are fighting against and surviving against change in each situation. They are both also in urgent need of supplies. In LOTF they “needed” pig, in the hunger games they needed everything. The first way these two books are similar is the fact that in both of these scenarios there is one rule above all else. Survival of the fittest. It is quite obvious how that is the case of the hunger games but it is also represented in LOTF. In LOTF it was covered more with the hunting group who were the “fit” and therefore the opposition was eliminated*cough* piggy *cough*. On the flip side however, what they are trying to survive is different but the point is that they both are trying to survive. The second way these stories are similar, in both LOTF and the hunger games they are both in need of supplies. What the characters both need in each of the stories varies based on what happens in the setting around them. For example in the hunger games peeta …show more content…

On top of that they would of killed ralph had the sailors not shown up to save him therefore that argument is invalid, you could of also tried to argue the fact that one was planned and one wasn't which would be a completely valid argument. In fact i would say that would be a pretty good argument if not for the fact that in the hunger games katniss definitely wasn't prepared for her sister to get picked, in fact i would say the odds of that happening on her first reaping would be about the same odds of a plane got shot down over an island and only the children surviving completely

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