Essay Comparing The Hitchhiker And The Tell-Tale Heart

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In both stories “The Hitchhiker” by Lucille Fletcher and “The Tell-Tale heart” by Edgar Allen Poe both share the same point of views, but they also differ in some ways. They both tell stories of themselves and also had killing involved. On the other hand, in “The Hitchhiker,” the narrator didn't actually go crazy, he just died. In “The Tell-Tale Heart” he actually went crazy because he thought the olds man eye was a “vulture's eye.” First off, both stories are told from the narrator themselves, the main characters are the narrators. In “The Hitchhiker” it says “but I must speak quick. At any moment, the link with life may break.” That quote from the story is when he's about to tell the story of how ”death” was coming to get him. The man that he kept on seeing was death coming to get him because he died in a car accident but didn't know yet. In “The Tell-Tale Heart” it says “and observe how healthily --how calmly I can tell you the whole story.” The narrator doesn't make a big deal telling his story about how he killed the old man. …show more content…

In “The Tell-Tale Heart” it says “tear up the planks! here, here! --It is the beating of his hideous heart!" The man went crazy, he thought that the policemen heard the sound of the old man's heart. OfCourse they didn't because he was already dead, but the author wanted to create suspense by ending the story with that sentence. In “The Hitchhiker” it says “it's all taken place since the death of her oldest son, Ronald.” The author created suspense by telling us that he got into a car accident but not telling us that he died during it. Both of the stories have suspense using the main

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