Essay on Story Characterization

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Elements of characterization summarizes each character and the role played. It’s the combination of the way the author shows the readers what a person in a literary situation is like. Elements of characterization include some of the following; protagonist, antagonist, flat, round, static, dynamic character and so forth. After viewing the film “The Help”, there was many different types of characters, but only a few stood out from the rest. Within my essay I will discuss the characters that stood out the most to me.
Mrs. Charlotte Phelan (Skeeter’s mom) and Ms. Aibileen Clark, (a maid and nanny of Jackson, Mississippi), played the role of a dynamic characters from my prospect. A dynamic character undergoes some kind of change because of the action in the plot. At first, Mrs. Phelan wasn’t very happy about some of the decisions her daughter Skeeter was making and not standing her ground when it came down to how she knew she really felt on the inside about blacks. Towards the end of the movie she came around and was proud of her daughter and thanking her for opening up her eyes up and r...

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