Essay About Sexual Orientation

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Since the inception of human creation, sexual orientation has been a controversial topic amongst us. Rather one is considered the “norm” dealing with sexual orientation, which signifies that one is attracted to the opposite sex or if one “chooses” to stray off from path most traveled and be attracted to the opposite sex, is it justified to be judged because of this? While there are many terms to describe what a person is called to describe their sexual orientation, there is a common theme that is seen amongst most aspects of life and that is the word “different”. Being different is common in the world we live in today. From various races,heights,weights and other various characteristics, no one is genetically or physically similar and that …show more content…

In this area, if you are different, you are morally degraded and in some cases treated unfairly because one is different. To broaden my knowledge and understanding of this subject, I embarked on a journey of enlightenment that changed my views forever. There are a multitude of words that can be found to describe variations of sexual orientation. Some of those words are technical terms while the others are “slang” words or nicknames. To begin with, some of those technical terms includes transsexual, pansexual, homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual and asexual. Some of the “slang” words or nicknames includes fag, gay and lesbian. A transexual is a person who identifies psychologically as a gender/sex other than the one to which they were assigned with at birth (Killerman). A pansexual is a person who experiences sexual, romantic, physical, and/or spiritual attraction for members of all gender …show more content…

The word “gay” comes from the French word gay which means “merry” or “exuberantly joyful” which popped up around the eighteenth century (Norton). The use of the word “lesbian” can be traced back to the year of 1732, in the satire “The Toast” which used the word to classify women who love women the same amount as men do (Norton). The word “faggot” can be traced back to the 1920’s and 1930’s in the African-American neighborhoods of Harlem (Norton). Homosexual activity can even be traced to ancient civilizations. In ancient Greece, an older male would become the mentor to that of a younger male and they would participate in homosexual activity (Houston). The difference between now and then is the perception of those activities. Back then it was common for those activities to take place, but now it is looked down upon as an

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