Essay About Romantic Love

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There is a powerful feeling in the world that can change a person's way of life and thinking as well as the culture of society. This feeling is love and it is part of what makes life worth living and in the end livable. People tend to find the feeling of love to be either beautiful, painful, or disdainful, but for the most part unexplainable. Meanwhile, some might say that it is just a chemical reaction in the brain that happens to increase the chances of reproduction. Ultimately, love comes in many different forms and each form gives its own meaning to love and worth to human life. The most popular idea of love that is publicized through all sorts of media to be the best feeling one could ever have is romantic love. In this modern age, romantic …show more content…

This romantic love is usually developed over time and searched for by many in order to not be lonely, to achieve their idea of happiness, or to appease to the pressures of society to settle down. Besides that, romantic love relationships can bring a whole new feeling of pleasure to one's mental and physical self. For instance, one can feel the happiest in the world just by having their significant other by their side and believe that no one else makes them feel complete like them. Likewise, one starts to only care about what the other thinks and will do anything for the other to be happy. Moreover, Joni Mitchell's song "Love" says, "Love sees like a child sees," and children are usually seen as innocent and see the world …show more content…

This does not necessarily mean that one has to love every human being in a romantic or friendly way. Martin Luther King Jr. uses the Greek word “Agape” to explain this kind of love and says, “Agape is understanding, creative, redemptive good will for all men.” This means that humans should be good to each other by wishing no evil on anyone. As a matter of fact, in Joni Mitchell's Song “Love”, she says, “Love has no evil in mind.” Therefore, humans should love one another to dispel the evil and should want to have humanity protected from anything that is harmful. For example, the Las Vegas Massacre was an act of evil and humankind was able to come together to support each other like shielding others from gunshots, carrying the wounded to safety, raising money to support the victims, and paying tribute to the massacre. In times of trouble like this, it shows how important the love for humanity is and how it can save or help a life in need. Furthermore, humanity could not have been what is it now without the help of human love because if humans did not love humanity, then humanity would cease to exist. Humans would destroy each other mercilessly and not care at all for other human lives. Consequently, the love for humanity is subconsciously developed and arises with the want to preserve

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