Essay About Poverty In The World

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The introduction of poverty to the world has greatly affected the populations of the mankind. More than 21,000 people are daily separating life because of hunger, according to the United Nations. Precisely, it’s one person every four seconds. Yet there’s plenty of food enough for everyone in the world. The cause is that hungry people are trapped in severe, difficult poverty with no escape. The lack of money to nourish themselves is making them weaker and weaker. This all results in a society with increasingly less ability to work and produce and is often a downward spiral for them. “What a weary time those years were -- to have the desire and the need to live but not the ability.” (Bukowski, 1982)
The poorest people have the least access to health, education, and plenty of other services that are the right of every human being. They are also forbidden and prevented from society and have little or no voice in public and social debates, making it even harder to escape poverty. For the 1.9 billion children from the present developed world, there are 640 million without adequate shelter, 400 million with no access to safe water, and 270 million left stranded with no health services. Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book. Less than one percent of what the world spent on weapons was needed to put every child into school but it didn’t happen. Around 27-28% of all children in well developed countries are said to be underweight. Based on enrollment data, about 72 million children of primary school age in the developing world were not in school in 2005; 57 per cent of them were girls. And these are regarded as optimistic numbers. Worldwide, 2.2 millions of children die every sin...

... middle of paper ... on a thin line between life and death. This type is an everlasting term in nature, but is not common among the developed world. Relative Poverty, the second type, is usually in a relation to other members in society. For example, someone can be considered poor if he or she can’t afford going on a holiday abroad, or can’t buy Christmas presents, or can’t send his or her children for college. However, they have access to the basic life necessities by government support. Third is Situational Poverty where families can be poor because of occurrences like earth quakes, floods, and other serious issues. They can be given a bit of help to rescue themselves, as the cause of their poverty was an unfortunate event. Lastly, Chronic Poverty. This type of poverty just doesn’t have an escape and people are trapped in it with no access for help at all.

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