Brotherly Love In Erich Fromm's Theory Of Love

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What is love? There are many people in the world that would like to know what it means to actually love. According to the definition in Merriam-Webster it says that love is a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person; a person you love in a romantic way. Erich Fromm’s Theory of Love says that “Love is not primarily a relationship to a specific person, it is an attitude, an orientation of character which determines the relatedness of a person to the world as a whole, not toward one “object” of love” Fromm 46). Fromm’s theory is different compared to Freud because Freud saw love and sex as a animal instinct as part of human nature. Fromm sees love as something that humanizes men and women, love is a special characteristic that we as humans use to fill the feelings of being lonely, and it’s a positive outcome of individuals wanting to join with others. As his theory continues Fromm describe characteristics that are different in the qualities of love within the different types of love which are motherly love, Brotherly love, Erotic love, immature love, mature love, self-love, and the love of God. What makes a love of a mother so much different …show more content…

This term often used to consider being a love between male friends that are really close, or so that’s what we thought it was. Brotherly love involves loving all others; it’s a love that reunites the isolated individual with others. Fromm describes brotherly love as the most fundamental kind of love. This type of love is a sense of responsibility, care, respect, knowledge of any other human, a love that is between equals (Fromm 47). Brotherly love is also something that can be based on the experiences that each person shares that unite them as one. The only things that make them different is the differences in their talents, intelligence, and their knowledge. In the bible it says love your neighbor as you do yourself so brotherly love is exactly

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