Eric Thomas Success

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In life, there are two kinds of people, the ones who accept what’s given to them, and the ones who take action get what they desire. There’s very few people how actually do the second option; those people are willing to sacrifice anything to accomplish their goal and become a more successful person. Most people fall under the first category and live a life with regrets of not achieving that goal that they set to reach by the end of month or year. Eric Thomas said, “when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then, you will be successful”. This is going to be an analysis on the passage “when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then, you will be successful”. Based from his own experiences while growing up in Detroit, …show more content…

Thomas was born in the United States of America in the 1970’s; he’s a motivational speaker, author, and minister (etinspires). He runs his own business, where he comes to events to motivate people, to become more successful and accomplish their goals. Eric Thomas also is an activist for his community, it’s this that lead the way to his nonprofit organizations such as GED program and the international urban education organization (etinpires). This organization is aimed to help students in urban schools narrow the gap in learning by changing the way students retain what they’ve learn. Eric met his now wife, Dede Mosley, at a church in Detroit. The couple moved to Alabama and got married while in college, in the mid 2000th. Eric Thomas, picked up a job at a local restaurant to get some money while school. As a result, from the lack of ambition Eric Thomas took twelve years to finish his bachelor’s degree, usually it only takes four years to earn a bachelor’s degree. At this point most people would quit to their journey towards their degree Eric Thomas didn’t, he persisted on and finished, two years later Eric would earn his master’s degree. Years later he would get his PhD from Michigan State …show more content…

Eric Thomas started badly and developing issues with his parents and school. Eric Thomas became a trouble maker and his grades in middle school began suffering. He also started making friend with local trouble makers and hanging out with the neighborhood thugs. One day he got home and started to have an altercation with his parents, he ended up running away from home and dropped out of high school. Eric Thomas lived on the street for two years, he would eat out of the dumpsters and sleep in alley’s and abandon houses, this was the most difficult part of Eric’s life (etthehiphoppreacher). He knew that he wanted to succeed and change his situation, in that time, Eric came across a preacher who eventually encouraged Eric to go back to high school complete his education and ever since then he’s being changing lives of student who have the similar background as he

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