Era Of Good Feelings Dbq Analysis

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“Good Feelings” The “Era of Good Feelings,” beginning after the war of 1812 and lasting into the 1820s, is typically represented as a positive time in American history full of nationalism. However, in considering this time period, one remember to examine both the positive nationalistic perspective and the negative sectionalist perspective. Socially, after the war of 1812, the American morale was strengthened and nationalism grew. Politically, the collapse of the Federalist party after the Hartford convention lead to a more united voting population, having only one viable party to vote for. Economically, the national bank expanded its power and protective tariffs were issued, which were looked upon negatively in the south, causing division The country, after winning the war of 1812, had a good deal of political nationalism, although sectionalist elements were beginning to emerge. The federalist party collapsed after the war and the Hartford convention, which diminished the party’s popularity. Therefore, as shown in Document I, the election of 1820 was very one sided, which lessened political divisions in the United States. This also showed that the American people were very united on the issues, which strengthened nationalism. By 1824 however, the strong nationalistic unity had collapsed, ushering John Quincy Adams, who would prove to be a very divisive president. One must also look at duality of the issue of the Missouri compromise. One one hand, as shown in Document F, the very idea of drawing a line across the country is wholly separatist. The tensions and divisions created with the Missouri compromise would grow, and lead to the establishment of two very different societies in the North and South. On the other hand, the line illustrated the willingness of the politicians to work together to improve the nation. This compromise was proof that though not all agreed on every issue, the goal of holding the country together was more important than north/south divisions. The “Era of Good Feelings” is an accurate name for this time period because although not all measures passed supported future unity, they demonstrated a temporary union and Document D presents the issue of the national bank, which was a hotly contested issue for most of the nation’s history. The decision to force states to allow the national bank reiterated the issue of state powers versus federal powers. This issue showed clear divisions between the northern states, who were more supportive of federal powers, and the southern states, who were more in favor of states rights. The financial decisions made in the Era of Good Feelings were often perceived as benefitting the southern states more than the northern states, causing separatism. Document A presents the issues of the Tariff of 1816. As demonstrated in the document, the southerners felt unfairly taxed, and did not feel as if they were getting anything out of the taxation. This type of disagreement about tariffs would continue, eventually leading to greater separatism and division. For these reasons, the title “The Era of Good Feelings” inaccuratly sums up the economic occurrences after the war of

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