Equus By Peter Shaffer

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Equus {What techniques does the author of a prescribed text use to explore the conflict between social responsibility and individual desire?} In our highly commercialized world, the continual choice between completing social responsibilities and succumbing to individual desires increasingly demands our attention. In 1973, when this dilemma was first coming into the front of social consciousness, playwright Peter Shaffer wrote the play Equus to explore this theme. To investigate this familiar battle and the consequences if either side prevails, the author uses symbolism as well as drawing a stark contrast between the characterisation between Dysart, a psychiatrist, and one of his patients, Alan. Shaffer invites the audience to consider both sides of this dilemma and encourages the conclusion that a middle ground must be found. To not only truly happy, but also to be accepted into our society. Individual desires must be explored but kept within socially acceptable limits. Shaffer’s two main characters, are highlighted to show the conflict between responsibility and desire is present in all of us and that everyone has to deal with their personal and unique combatants. This emphasised by the author in Alan, who has a …show more content…

A major symbol that Shaffer utilizes is eyes, vision and omniscience. Dora, Alan’s mum believes in an omniscient god and Alan has applied this to Equus “His eyes shine, they can see in the dark… Eyes!” (Act One, Scene 21) For Alan, Equus’ eyes are representative of an individual's society, deity or community watching as a desire is fulfilled and judging if any desires leave the limitations of acceptable behaviour. This symbolism is also present in the staging of the play, as the entire cast never leave the stage, the characters are always watching and judging. As Alan quotes Equus’ assertion; “I see you. I see you. Always! Everywhere! Forever!” (Act Two, Scene

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