Envy Is Ignorance And Suicide Analysis

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Ralph Emerson states in “Self-Reliance” that “envy is ignorance” and “imitation is suicide.” When Emerson states that “envy is ignorance” he is saying, when you envy another person or what they have you are being ignorant to your own fortunes in life. He means you are not realizing exactly how lucky and fortunate you are in life if you envy somebody else. When Emerson states that “imitation is suicide” he is saying, that when you are not being your own person and when you try to copy someone or their lifestyle you are getting rid of yourself. He means you are ending or disrupting the person you are. Doing these things is conforming to your own inner demons. To conform means to act in accord with the prevailing standards, attitudes, and practices …show more content…

There are other rules that I find very unreasonable like walking in the house with your back turned if it is late at night, no sweeping your feet, do not give your loved one shoes or watches. But, I do conform to every single one of these rules because if I do not there will be consequences I must face. Although there are a lot of family dynamics set in place I do not feel as much pressure to conform to them as I feel to conform to social dynamics. There are way more things that you feel the need to conform to in society. There are many reasonable things for example do not make fun of a persons disability, speak to elders with respect, have manners, etcetera. There are certain aspects of society that I do not conform to, such as the expectations of people my age. I do not conform to speaking the way people my age speak as if they had never been to an English class in their lives. I do not conform to using or even owning a social media account. I do not conform to the vocabulary people my age use, like their parents never taught them any manners. In society …show more content…

Every day that I come to school I conform with almost every single one of their rules. I do not cheat, I do not cut, I am respectful to my superiors, I do not bully, I do not vandalize, and I try my best. However, there is one rule that I do conform to yet completely disagree with. This rule is that a girl in this school can not wear a shirt that does not cover her stomach, no shorts too short, and no straps showing anywhere because it might distract boys. This rule is sexist and misogynistic. The school is openly telling a young woman in this school what she can and can not wear, and how she can not express her own body at the risk of distracting others. The boys’ dress code regulations is far shorter and is only one sentence. “Boys don’t sag your pants.” These dress code regulations are sexist but hidden with the excuses of what appropriate school attire is. Some girls do not conform to this rule and I do not blame them. I simply do not conform because my mother would have my nec k if I did not and because I do not want to get in trouble with the school. The advantage to not conforming would be taking a stand for what you think is right not only with words but action. The disadvantage would be disciplinary actions taken against you. An advantage to conforming would be not getting in trouble. A disadvantage to conforming would be staying silent and

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