Enter The Void Essay

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For this case study, I chose one of my favorite movies called „Enter The Void“. Enter the void is an English speaking, french drama written and directed by Gaspar Noe. The main actors in this movie are Nathaniel Brown, Paz de la Huerta, and Cyril Roy. As labeled by the director Gaspar Noe the film is an „psychodelic melodrama“. The film is shot from a first person view, occasionally the camera would float above the city or be positioned over the shoulder of the main actor as he recalls certain moments from his past. Before I write more about the movie, it’s important to present some information on the director and writer of this visual experience. Gaspar Noe is an Argentine film director as well as screenwritter living in France. He graduated from Louis Lumiere Collage, and is known for movies like „I Stand Alone“, „Irreversible“ and the already mentioned „Enter the Void“. His inspirations are Stanley Kubrick and Gerald Kargls, with movies like „2001: A Space Odyssey“ and „Angst“. Gaspar is one of the representatives of the „New French Extremity“. His films are often defined as the cinema du corps/cinema of the body. This type of film share an attenuated use of narrative, often illegible cinematography, sexual behavior that is rather violent and certain sense of despiar or social nihilism. He is married to Lucile Hadžihalilović who is of Bosnian origin. …show more content…

It describes a collection of transgressive films made by French directors at the turn of the 21st century. Besides Gaspar Noe, known directors of this type of films are also: Francois Ozon, Catherine Breillat, Bruno Dumont and others. Well know movies from this wave are: Pola X (1999), Sombre (1998), Secret Things (2002), Baise-moi (2000) and Haute tension (2003). This movies were often described as a crossover between violence, psychosis and sexual decadance. The roots of „New French Extremity“ lies in art house and horror

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