Enrique's Journey Sparknotes

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In Enrique’s Journey, Nazario states her opinion on illegal immigration explaining that the solution is to provide humanitarian aid to those countries overrun by gangs. Nazario believes that the way to help the children and adults coming over illegally is to provide aid to Central American countries. In her Ted Talk, she states, “...the U.S. is helping bring a new strategy that cuts violence in Central America” (TEDxTalks). This explains that she does not support open borders, but the strategy the U.S. to cut down violence. Cutting down the violence in these countries will keep the children and adults who are running away from the violence in their homelands. Their lives won’t be threatened every day, and they won’t feel the need to flee to …show more content…

This provides an image in the readers head about how hard their life is that they have to search through the dump for food. This supports her view of giving the Central American countries Humanitarian aid because people leave these countries due to the horrible conditions their living in, and if we make these conditions better than less and less of them will come to the United States illegally. To continue, Nazario uses pathos and logos in her techniques to get her point across about illegal immigration. She uses pathos and logos to illustrate her opinion humanitarian aid and bring you to understand their living conditions that drive them to leave the country. She explains, “Honduras's Rivera Hernandez neighborhoods the most lethal place in the city of San Pedro Sula, which itself for four years running was dubbed “the murder capital” of the world” (TEDxTalks). This illustrates a place where children and adult are afraid to live and will take the chance of coming to the United States illegally to escape from the

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