Enlightenment through Reading Great Literature

550 Words2 Pages

Enlightenment through Reading Great Literature

Great literature has created controversy, enlightenment, and has perpetually stimulated the imagination of readers everywhere. The ability to learn from past experience that crosses religions, races, and times helps separate the great literature from the "chaff." A good, entertaining story is not enough to produce a truly great and enduring work. Great literature is characterized by its ability to retain value in truth and entertainment even though changing culture.

The influence of great literature has been a legacy of the human race for 1000's of years. Arguably the most influential of books is the Bible. It has been a top seller for almost all of eternity. However, it certainly isn't only the great stories or excitement and adventure that keeps people coming back to great literature. As with the Bible, it's the ability to pick up a book and learn a lesson that may have taken someone their entire lifetime to learn and apply it to your life. This ability to gain insight into the problems and past debates of morality...

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