Ender's Innocence In Creating The Innocent Killer

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Few people have not read the science fiction novel, Ender’s Game, written by Orson Scott Card. Even fewer haven’t heard the title. Since it was written in 1985, over seven million copies have been sold. Although, not all attention has been positive. One particular man who did not approve of the novel, John Kessel, wrote an essay titled Creating the Innocent Killer which was originally published in Foundation, the International Review of Science Fiction Spring 2004. In this essay, Kessel criticizes the morality presented in the novel, particularly its main character, Ender, who committed mass genocide at only eleven years old. Though the novel presents Ender as an innocent and manipulated child, Kessel claims that this is an alarming view of morality …show more content…

While many people share this view of Ender’s innocence, or the lack thereof, it is easy to see that Ender is in fact misinterpreted in this essay and is truly an innocent character because of how he had no choice or knowledge of his actions and his intentions were purely to protect and defend.
One can be easily led to share the same belief Kessel displays in his carefully crafted essay, as he states many convincing points. A point commonly made is that even though Ender killed the bugger race unknowingly, he had planned on exterminating them anyways. Otherwise, he would not have attended Battle School. However, this was one of many instances of manipulation. Ender, along with the rest of the human race currently on earth, were led to believe that the buggers were planning an attack. Humanity was at stake, and the buggers were to blame. The Third Invasion all of humanity was taught to dread was believed to be an attack of the buggers onto earth. When offered a spot at Battle School, Ender was told that this was the only reason he was born. His life had one purpose, to protect humanity. If he didn’t go, why was he even still alive? This is a lot of pressure to be placed on a six year old boy. In

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