End Of Life Care Ethical Dilemmas

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In the United States, around 7 million people die every day from various illnesses. Most of the deaths are end-of-life cases. As people age, many ethical dilemmas can affect the elderly population. Ethical dilemmas can be difficult situations that have many biases when making decisions. The ethical dilemma that is an issue for many older adults is end-of-life care. Many elderly patients who have terminal illnesses have end-of-life care that is in their decision-making or their power of attorney. The ethical dilemma with end-of-life care is who is making the decisions (Adkeniz et al., 2021). The goal of end-of-life care is to prevent or relieve suffering while respecting the patient's desire. Many patients who have end-of-life care dilemmas have not placed anything in writing about how they want their end of life to be. Word of mouth is not equivalent to decisions in writing. Family …show more content…

Patients who can still make decisions should be able to maintain their autonomy. Decisions made by the patient should come with every possible option discussed by physicians and nurse practitioners about their current health state and decision to prepare for the end of life care. If the patient cannot make those decisions for themselves, there must be a power of attorney to make decisions on the patient's behalf. Family members can be impacted by end-of-life care if the patient has not appointed a person to make decisions. There have to be plans for healthcare, funeral arrangements, distribution of any monetary assets, and everything else that the patient has of value. The ethical dilemma for the nurse practitioner is making the best decision for the patient while maintaining the integrity and dignity of the patient. NPs play a role in symptom management and can work with doctors in advanced end-of-life situations. The NP can assess and advise on if the patient needs to go to

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