Employee's Satisfaction on Private Organizations

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The main objective of this chapter is to present the past research on the effect of employee’s job satisfaction of private organizations. This chapter also will give more information about the literature review and theoretical framework related to this research. My concern is to explain the employee job satisfaction in their work. The purpose is to examine the reason or factor of the professional’s qualification employee in job satisfaction. A successful organization or high productivity has an employee that has positive job satisfaction experience in working or workplace. I have divided the chapter into () sections, which is This also to find out any related theories that done by the past researchers based on the job satisfaction and job performance appraisal in workplace.
2.1 Job satisfaction
According to Steyn and Van Wyk (1999:37-40) job satisfaction is consider as degree to measure the individual or worker feeling towards their jobs. So, job satisfaction can be in positive or negative feeling. Job satisfaction also is one of the important values and is an element of self-motivation in an employee that will directly affect the intention to work, commitment, the performance and productivity of their work. Job satisfaction is a sense of satisfaction on the work done and assuming that the job brings a deep impression on him. Job satisfaction can influence and affect workers in absence during working hours, commitment resignation and replacement rates in the organization of work (Agho, Mueller& price 1993). So, the job satisfaction will occurs when the individual expectation and values was meet with the job (Gordon, 1999:67-68). At the same time, the level of job satisfaction will influence the results and the qu...

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...herefore, the motivator factors must be supplied to create a "motivating" and attract the value of a job. The Hygiene factors that can contribute the motivation and satisfaction of employee are included working condition (working hours, and workplace environment), company policy (rules and regulation, formal or informal), job security, supervision and autonomy (control or freedom in decision making and work culture), and personal life (work life balance, and personal free time).

Motivating factor is element that contributes towards the job satisfaction. This is because, recognition, achievement and job interest of the employee will lead to the employee having a low intention to leave from job. The achievement of the employee in the organization will change the individual needs and feeling. So, the employee will put extra effort to continue loyal to desire Company.

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