Emotion And Motivation Essay

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Emotion and motivation are seen as two separate psychological features that are cause-and-effect. Most people would think motivation stimulates a person to achieve a goal, while also thinking emotion is the only the feelings that come from the motive, the actions that are caused from either achieving or of failure of the goal. Motivation is defined in different ways, but a common definition is that motivation is a force that energizes behavior. In 2006, Franken defined motivation as the direction and persistence of a person’s behavior. Most theorists who have their own definition of motivation think that learned behavior cannot be stopped unless energized. Which motivation is important in all of behavior. Any change in the motivation reflects …show more content…

The skills you learn when your young like facial expressions caused by emotions that develop determining maturation. When the emotion called fear first gains maturity, the brain’s processing is nonconscious to this. Researchers that track mood changes found with anxiety and depression that it can be reduced and are associated with a shift in electrical activity in the brain. Many psychologists think that the link between motivation and emotion came from three reasons. First, emotion and motivation both activate behavior. Second, emotions almost always go together with motives. And third, it is not uncommon for emotions to possess motivational characteristics of their own. As an example, happiness motivates a person to gain a greater performance. A similarity between these is that they are both linked to energy instead of information. Another similarity is that they both rely on the relationships between the person and their environment. Emotions have the main control over our whole motivation in life. Understanding how people feel in situations may inform you of what strongly motivates them to do certain …show more content…

In this theory, a person learns that events cause physiological arousal first then emotion. Although motivations biggest influence is emotion, another influence is having a goal. For example, you have an aunt who wants to get fit. Your aunt sets a goal of watching what she eats, and exercises more. The motivation here for your aunt would be the goals that she had set. There are four theories of motivation you could go by. One theory would be the instinct theory. This theory states that people are motivated to behave in certain ways because they are evolutionarily programmed to. An example would be that in the animal world there is seasonal migration. Animals don’t learn this, its actually part of their behavior. Another theory would be the incentive theory. This theory says that people do things for some rewards. For example, you might be motivated to go to the store for your mom in reward for getting something you want. The third theory of motivation is the drive theory. This theory states that people are motivated to take actions so they can reduce the internal tension that is caused by not being

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