Emmerson's Essay On Gender-Identity And Gender Identity Rights

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Gender-identity is a person’s perception or identification of their gender, which does not always correspond with their physically gender assigned at birth. Some men identity as women, and some women identify as men. Some people believe they aren’t meant to be either gender; in this case they can identify as genderless, bigender, genderqueer, or whatever they choose. People who don’t identify with their assigned gender and identify as another are often times discriminated against. Some people don’t agree with people changing their gender because it wasn’t the way God intend them to be, and it isn’t natural. However, in this day and age, it has become more common to identify with a different gender and change your gender complete. Some people are very against this, while some people continue to fight for their gender identity rights.
I believe the Emmerson would support anyone struggling with gender-identity and stand up for any their rights. I think he wouldn’t just support transgender and gender non-conformists, but everyone in the LGBTQ community. In Emmerson’s essay, “Self-Reliance”, he talks about the need for everyone to become self-reliant, and only concern with yourself. He would say people who are transgender and don’t change their identity are living their life for other people, and not themselves. Emmerson …show more content…

In his essay “Self-Reliance”, Emmerson writes a lot about how you shouldn’t let society tell you what to do or how to live you’re live. It is only your opinion that matters; not the opinion of anyone else that judges or picks on you. I believe that society shouldn’t influence your opinions. Being yourself is very important because there is no purpose to live if you are not being your authentic self. It is not good to live your life trying to please other people. Emmerson and I both think that you should only care about what you think, and only live your life the way you want

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