Emily Grierson Modernism

999 Words2 Pages

Kelifa Workneh
ENGL 1302
Prof. Lisa Mach
July 18, 2014
Authors of the Modernism Literary Movement
Modernism was a literary movement that took place in America roughly from 1915 to 1945. The period was marked by sudden and unexpected breaks with traditional ways of viewing and interacting with the world. Experimentation and individualism became the main goals, where in the past they were often discouraged. Modernism came about through a series of cultural shocks. The first of these shocks was World War One. This horrifying shock shaped and influenced the Modernism movement. Modernism displays a better sense of unity and similarity across genres and settings, and writers who embraced the modern point of view often did so quite deliberately and …show more content…

During his writing career, Faulkner wrote numerous short stories which reflected Modernist Literary Movement. Faulkner's most famous and most popular short story, "A Rose for Emily" points directly towards Southern gothic and grotesque, two types of literature in which the general tone is one of despair, terror, and understated violence, and the characteristics of Modernism which are individuality and alienation. In the story, Mrs. Emily Grierson is a true individualist. She does whatever she wants, such as not pay her taxes, keeping her dead father for three days after he died, and killing her partner after he told her he did not want to marry. Emily also alienates herself. After her father’s death and the disappearance of her loved one, Emily is hardly seen by the townspeople. “After her father’s death she went out very little after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her at all” (Faulkner 5). The only person that ever spoke to Miss Emily was her “negro servant.” These examples from the short story make it clear that William Faulkner was a Modernist …show more content…

War made people change their view of the world. People became full of despair, delusional and were horrified that everything would fall apart, and it made them lose faith. In Hemingway’s "In Another Country" the main theme of the short story is the war. There is one character in the story that is known as Major, and he is Hemingway’s example of the person who has lost their faith. In the story the Major is suffering from a battle wound where his hand has been burned, the doctor tries to boost his confidence with a picture of one of his other patients recovery but fails miserably “The major held the photograph with his good hand and looked at it very carefully. ‘A wound?’ he asked. ’An industrial accident,’ the doctor said. ’Very interesting, very interesting,’ the major said, and handed it back to the doctor. ’You have confidence?’ ’No,’ said the major.” (Hemingway). The Major is a smaller part of the story but he is the perfect example that Hemingway uses to exemplify that kind of loss of faith that people were beginning to experience because of the war and the affects that it was having on people’s

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