Ella Minnow Pea Character Analysis

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In Mark Dunn’s novel, “ Ella Minnow Pea”, the High Island Council determines the rules and regulations. As a result, major issues have occurred amongst the citizens of Nollop, when the council bans the incorporation of various letters in their vocabulary. The citizens of Nollop seem to be quite unhappy with these absurd rulings. Despite the many attempts in resisting the council’s rulings, the majority of the characters failed in doing so, due to fear, inferior power, and lastly oblivion. People tend to avoid situations and things they fear. Some know how to overcome it in order to accomplish something, and others let it control them. In “Ella Minnow Pea”, Agnes writes a letter to Mittie stating, “ This will be my last letter to you. I can …show more content…

Either you have inferior power, or superior power. In “Ella Minnow Pea”, the superiors were the High Island Council, because they had all the power, and the inferiors were the citizens of Nollop because their power did not compare to the councils. This is proven when Tassie mentions in her letter to Ella that, “Willy, as it happens, does not believe in obeying laws written by madmen. And while many of us applaud his independent spirit, he is, nonetheless, one slip-word away from banishment”. (Dunn 19) In this quote, Tassie is telling Ella about one of the two people who have reached the second level of offense, Willy Creevy. Willy did not agree with the council’s rules, and decided to rebel against them. He was a mischievous man who didn’t obey rules that he hadn’t agree with, therefor he did his best to resist the council. Unfortunately, his power was no match for the council’s. Consequently, Will Creevy received severe punishments for his courageous actions, thus unsuccessfully resisting the councils ruling. Additionally, in another letter that Tassie had written for Ella, telling her “Perhaps, by now, you have heard of the tragic public flogging of the Rasmussen family – all six members whipped like misbehaving canines. (…) Their offense? Each member in deliberate provocation of the High Island Council had marched single file into last Tuesday’s open session wearing cartoon masks and making loud duck sounds.” (Dunn 48) In …show more content…

This is shown in “Ella Minnow Pea”, when Nash Towngate writes a letter to Ella. In this letter, he mentions that the reason why they respect Mr.Nollop so much, is “simply because without him, this island would be a shallow shell, an empty conch compared to what it has, in fact, become: a beautiful, sandy-shored haven of enchantment and delishmerelle.” (Dunn 40) In this quote, Nash is explaining the reason they worship Nollop, is because of his many advantages to the island they live on. They believe Nollop impacted the island positively. This shows how oblivious and naïve they are, to believe that Nollop has benefited them and the island. They don’t see that Mr.Nollop has caused only harm to the island. Additionally, later on in the book, Georgeanna Towngate writes a letter to Mrs.Mittie asker her to “locate something to prove that Timmy wont turn eight until Novempoopy 13; thus council proclamata cannot in any legal sense apply to him, otherwise he will have to go!” (Dunn 130) This quote emphasizes how oblivious the Towngates were about the councils laws and Mr. Nollop. They believed that these laws must be respected because its for the islands best interest, up until the point where the council threatened to take away their son from the island. This shows how the Towngates spent the whole time defending the rules, and reporting people who disobeyed them, then

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