Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Pioneer of Feminism

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In the book ‘Elizabeth Cady Stanton: A Radical for Woman’s Rights’ the author clearly explains and describes what Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s life was like, and what events made her into the woman she was. Lois W. Banner did an excellent job describing even the little details of Elizabeth’s successful life. This book may seem difficult to get through for some readers, but some might truly enjoy it. The writing style is simple and very easy to understand. A fascination of history is required to read this though, or else a reader will not be able to stomach this book. The chronological order of this book makes it incredibly easy to follow along with. Readers do not have to worry about getting lost or confused by what is going on in Lois W. Banner’s book. This book about Elizabeth Cady Stanton will definitely open the readers eyes about what women went through before they even had basic rights. It goes into great detail about the trials and tribulations Elizabeth Cady Stanton went through to fight for women’s rights and what she believed in. This incredible woman stood her ground, even though her beliefs were not what others believed in at the time. She is the woman who began what we know as feminism. …show more content…

Elizabeth Cady Stanton fought for a woman’s right to vote, have ownership of her belongings, work, and much more. Many of the people who claim to be “feminists” are not. They actually want women to be elevated above men in the work place and everywhere else. While not all feminists today are like that, the many bad apples give the true feminists a bad name and make them slightly less credible. If those bad apples would read this book, they would learn the way of a true feminist and could possibly take some tips from this

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