Elizabeth Bishop's Impersonal Personal Essay

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So what went wrong? Bonnie Costello, in “Elizabeth Bishop’s Impersonal Personal,” suggests that my error results from a “persistent argument that Elizabeth Bishop’s poems are autobiographical, and the implicit assumption that the self and tradition are unitary and contending realities” (334). For Costello, the problem is not that the connections between Bishop’s personal life and her poetry can be made—rather, it is how we make them. Costello claims that “[r]ecent commentary reads a construction of Bishop’s personal life back into her poems and assumes the allegory she abhorred in others” (334). In what he calls “fragments of reminiscence” (basically, a brief braided essay of memoir on Bishop), this abhorrence Bishop had was for the idea of …show more content…

To read the speaker as author is of course an act of the authorial fallacy, especially in poetry, where the boundaries are not as necessarily set as they would be in creative nonfiction. As Costello puts it, “Perhaps [Bishop] also had a sense of how [biographical] publications blur the distinction between the writing subject and the voice in which we necessarily read (and read into) the poem” (335). For Costello, Bishop wants to separate those voices, or at least allow for one to re-separate that blurring when necessary. In a quite virulent rejection of Marilyn May Lombardi’s arguments on how Bishop cloaks her language with her real life conflicts, Costello notes that Bishop is writing her troubles in code to make sense of them: “But writing is the struggle to control tone and form. Bishop did not become a poet because she suffered from eczema. This hermeneutics requires…the [portrayal of] poetry as an instrument of deception—secreting the personal sources of insight while nevertheless seeing the world entirely in terms of those sources” (338). The poet’s impetus for writing was—and forever is—her own, and is locked beyond our understanding. Thus there is no one absolute, definitive reason why any poem is the way that it

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