Eliminating Capital Punishment

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Capital punishment is an ethical issue that strikes a chord with many. It raises the question of whether or not a criminal's violent actions justifies the use of the death penalty. Those that are for capital punishment argue that murderers should receive equal punishment for their crime. Others argue that no good come from the taking of life, so capital punishment should be abolished in every state. Ultimately, taking "an eye for an eye" will lead to nothing but more death. Those who are for the death penalty claim that capital punishment is the correct conviction in extreme cases. The criminal is dangerous, and it would be safer to eliminate the threat. Even if the murder was sentenced to life in prison without parole, there's still a …show more content…

Allowing the criminal to spend their lives and personal give them the chance to ask the family of the victim, and even their God for forgiveness. Humans are humans, no matter what violent crime they committed, and they deserve a chance to be Reconciled. Capital punishment will only lead to more death and suffering. Statistics have shown that allowing the death penalty it may actually increased violence. Ten out of the twelve states that have abolish capital punishment have crime rates below the national average. Contrary to popular belief, the death penalty does not serve as a deterrent. Creating hospitals for the mentally ill and shelters for the impoverished will decrease crime rates much more then instituting the death penalty. Eliminating the cost of capital punishment may also lead to a decrease in violent crimes. Holding criminals for life in prison without parole is less expensive than executing them. Abolishing the death penalty would save hundreds of millions of dollars in California alone. The government compensates for the cost of the death penalty by raising income taxes, and taking funding from highways and police forces, which may be increasing violent crime rates. Ultimately, eliminating the death penalty would have preferable

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