Elie Wiesel Analysis

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Why do many people become illiteracy when others are in need of help desperately? For obvious reasons such as the courage to stand up for what you believe in, one might not have the essentials to engage in an act of justice ,and lastly they could possibly be in the similar situation. I agree with Elie Wiesel because what if you were in need of help ,you would want someone to back you up with the obstacles you're trying to overcome. My first reason of why i agree with him is because he stood up for what he believed in. He never stopped in believing Humanity, Culture, and he also didn’t give up on Journalism. Him believing is what kept him moving ;in addition, let him go through the obstacles he was having at the time. Elie was only 15 when he got deported. Elie and his family was deported to Auschwitz in 1944. He never gave up even after his father died from dysentery,and the mother and the youngest sister from gas chambers in Auschwitz. He later on published a book called “Night” in 1960 to show he still stood up for …show more content…

A similar situation as being stuck in concentration camps and suffering can be abduction. Picture this imagine being abducted and taken away from your family for several years having to stay in a room locked. That's how Elie Wiesel felt when he got deported and got moved to Auschwitz to Concentration Camps but he saw people get killed in Gas chambers, Starvation, diseases, getting shot alive, and being burned alive. He later on explained it all in his book “Night”. I agreed with Elie Wiesel because when there's a problem or situation it has to be the center of the world at the time.The words in Elie Wiesel quote not only spoke out to me but to other people around the world. So next time when there's a person or a situation that needs help go ahead and do them the favor because you never know when your going to need the help they can offer back to

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