Elie Wiesel Analysis

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During the events of World War 2 the Jewish people would be separated from their families and taken away to be used for labor around concentration camps and some would be chosen to be killed. I agree when Elie Wiesel says we should all stand by when human lives are endangered or when people are being criticized by their race, religion, or political view, we didn’t do anything about the Jews being killed until 1941 that was when we joined the World War 2 but only because of the surprise attack on pearl harbor. As young adults from the twenty first century we are taught that bullying is bad and we should stand up against it or help those who are being bullied. I agree that when citizens are judge for being themselves we should stand together. Due to Donald Trump’s Presidency men and women have come together to stand up for women’s equal rights. For example, this past weekend the Women’s March took place almost all over the world from Australia to Alaska, men and women all different race, religion,etc. Participated on helping women grow stronger and showing Trump supporters they won't be a matt for them to step on, just like Hitler saw the Jews.

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