Elephants Can Lend A Helping Trunk Summary

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While humans often consider themselves as the sole organisms in possession of the remarkable quality that is intelligence, a relatively miniscule array of creatures possess a comparable mental capacity, including the elephant, which has recently undergone a thorough test in order to assess their grasp of the concept of cooperation. In the video “Elephants Show Cooperation”, the article “Elephants Can Lend a Helping Trunk”, and the passage from “Elephants Know When They Need a Helping Trunk in a Cooperative Task”, the authors illustrate the wisdom of these animals. The entirety of them present the reader with the aforementioned experiment in order to support this claim, and several pieces remark that elephants’ intelligence rivals that of …show more content…

Within the first paragraph of the piece, Morell described, “That’s the conclusion of a new study that tested the cooperative skills of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in Thailand and showed that the pachyderms understand that they will fail at a task without a partner’s assistance.” Morell stated that a recent study concluded that elephants comprehend the necessity of cooperation, strongly supporting the notion that these creatures possess superb collaborative skills. Also, Morell continued within the first paragraph, “The ability to recognize that you sometimes need a little help from your friends is a sign of higher social cognition. . .” Morell claims that the awareness of the beneficial aspects of cooperation is a rather uncommon characteristic among animals, and is therefore regarded as an indicator of superior cognitive capabilities, suggesting that the intelligence of elephants exceeds that of various other organisms. Undoubtedly, Virginia Morell justified the newfound intelligence and exceptional collaborative abilities of pachyderms throughout her

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