James Howard Williams Thesis

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I’m not very fond of reading books ever since the beginning. But when I was reading this book caught my attention. My love and interest of elephants made me review the book once more and about their role how they were human like how they were trained in World War II. But as soon as I began to read “Elephant Company,” I realized that not only they were special, but that this book is about far more than just the war, or even elephants. This is the story of friendship, loyalty and breathtaking courage that is mind blowing. It was done of most few of the man. His name was James Howard Williams, also known as Elephant Bill. He came to Burma in 1920. He had gone to work in the teak industry and over the years displayed a remarkable gift for understanding the hearts and minds of great beasts that were known for multiple purposes. Without any training Williams had developed skills in being an animal doctor He know more about elephants, one paper said, “than any other white man.” a British soldier and elephant expert in Burma, known for his work with the Fourteenth Army during the Burma Campaign of World War II. He was made a Lieutenant-Colonel. Elephant Bill a dashing, athletic man was with a deep attachment to animals of all kinds, and an uncanny ability to communicate with them. He was devoted to his childhood donkey, Prince and was bereft to leave him behind to go to boarding school. But it was while serving in World War I that he first “really fell …show more content…

He was featured in articles in The New York Times, The New Yorker, Life and numerous other publications, and wrote a very successful memoir. Williams’s fearless snatching of elephants from Japanese hands made headlines and that’s where his name became Elephant Bill. This awarded him the Order of the British

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