Elementary Child Observation

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My observation for the elementary aged child was with a seven-year-old female that is in the 2nd grade. “Lara” is a family friends daughter, but I have never been able to spend one-on-one time with her until this observation. For the observation I was able to go over to her house and play/observe as we sat in the living room. We were able to interact and play for about thirty minutes. While I observed her, I took notes and got the opportunity to talk to both of Lara’s parents. In the living room I noticed the PlayStation and rock band set next to the TV that Lara and her brother play. When I got there Lara was playing UNO with her brother on the living floor. This definitely gave me the impression that Lara is a bright young girl and can understand …show more content…

Lara has the skills of reading, writing, and creating things by herself. Lara worked very well with her brother, although he is the older sibling she showed more initiative by making him do things for her and telling him what he needed to be doing. At one point when I was observing, Lara reminded her brother that he had a soccer game the next game not to forget his cleats outside in the garage. This was very impressive to me, out of no where she is thinking of what needed to be done to be prepared for the next day and reminding her brother to get it done. Her brother was definitely more shy, and stand off than his outspoken sister …show more content…

Creating a lesson that a student can relate to is a strategy that plays a role in effective teaching. I used Piaget’s theory of stages and cognitive abilities to create the meaningful and applicable lesson. Overall my observation and lesson went very well, Lara was so hyper and energetic that it really helped doing hands on activity especially with a pizza figure, in which she told me is her favorite food to eat. I have learned that knowing your student’s stage of development and adjusting to it will result in the most effective

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