Electronic Invitation Letter

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Example of Electronic Invitation Letter

Invitation to Participate in Research Study

A Correlational Study of Childhood Religiosity, Childhood Sport Participation, and Sport-Learned Aggression Among African American Female Athletes

Participants are needed for a research study in order to gain insight on the relationships among childhood religiosity, childhood sport participation, and sport-learned aggression. The research cannot be performed without data. Your participation is voluntary and provides that data. Your name will not be written on the questionnaires. The survey site will be active for three weeks.

You are being invited to participate in this study because you are a member of Zoomerang and because you match the characteristics …show more content…

Although the results of the research study will be published, your name or identity will not be revealed. The health information provided in the research study will be used by the researcher as a way to control extraneous variables. This information may be confirmed by members of the dissertation committee.

The researcher is required by law to protect your health related information. By electronically signing this document, you authorize the researcher to use and/or disclose your health related information for this research. Those individuals who receive your health related information may not be required by Federal privacy laws to protect the information and they may share it with other people without your permission, if permitted by the laws that govern them.

This authorization has no expiration date. However, you may voluntarily withdraw from the study at any time prior to electronically submitting the data. Once the data are collected, it will no longer be possible to link the data to the signed confidential health care information forms. Please click on the appropriate box below that indicates whether you would like to participate in this study or whether you want to withdraw from this …show more content…

The purpose of this study is to determine the relationships among childhood religiosity, childhood sport participation, and sport-learned aggression. However, other variables may affect the study. Some of them will be controlled by design. Others will be assessed in the demographics part of the survey.

III. Participation
About 500 females have been invited to participate in this study. You have been selected because you represent the study’s population. You are an African American female. You are 21 to 40 years of age. You have not been medically treated for depression. You have not been diagnosed with ADD.

Participation is voluntary. You do not have to participate in this study. Nothing will happen to you if you do not want to participate in this study. If you have any questions involving this study, you may call the researcher at xxx-xxx-xxxx.

IV. Procedures
The study will take a total of about 20 minutes to complete. You will mark your answers by clicking on the best response. You will then submit the completed survey online to Zoomerang.

V. Reason for Participation
You have been asked to participate in this study in order to provide data. The data will be used to gain insight on the relationships among variables. The research cannot be performed without data. Your participation provides the needed

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