El Camino Community College Counselor

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When I began doing my fieldwork hours at El Camino in the fall, I grew a deep appreciation for the welcoming environment the First Year Experience (FYE) office had. Through various counseling sessions I got to observe, I witnessed first-hand the importance the role of the community college counselor has on its students. Thought the group of students who entered were different than the previous class, the same issues and obstacles were being mentioned to the FYE counselors. However, the one obstacle that kept repeating itself was that of financial literacy. Internship Site El Camino Community College is located near Torrance, California. El Camino enrolls more than 25,000 students a year. According to its website, it contains over 800 academic …show more content…

In her presentation, she would stress the importance of visiting the financial aid if they are unsure or have any questions regarding their financial aid. The article by McKinney and Roberts (2012) reviews the duties of the community college counselor and its importance to the overall student experience. The conversation between the financial counselor and the students during the workshop was welcoming and students felt comfortable asking her questions. The article stresses the high level of impact these counselors can have on students, particularly entering first year students. Increasing counselor accessibility to students is essential, and the FYE office did an excellent job of incorporating a counselor to open up all the workshops (Mckinney & Roberts, 2012). Needless to note is that only some students are selected for these workshops, so for others it may prove …show more content…

The article by Bailey (2017) gives context to the barriers some community college students face and a possible reform that can be implemented by the community colleges. Due to the article, I gained this curiosity of exploring the campus more in-depth. I approached Dr. Mosqueda and Seranda and they gave me various recommendations on places to visit. One of the main barriers to student success is the lack support they receive from their campus (Bailey, 2017). Therefore, I found the writing center the most interesting because it was one resource that is vital for students to succeed during their time at El

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