Egypt And Mayans Similarities

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Ancient Maya, stretching from southern Mexico into northern Central America, and ancient Egypt, located in the northeast corner of Africa, shared a number of similar features and differences. The Mayan civilization began at about 2600 B.C - 1800 B.C. and was at its peak around A.D.250 - 900. The Egypt civilization arose about 4,000 - 3,500 B.C. and was at its peak during the New Kingdom; 1550 B.C. Both cultures have significant features, Egypt has the great river Nile and Maya has successful farming methods. Although the Egyptian and the Mayan culture share similarities in religion, social structure and achievements, there are also differences between them. Like many cultures, religion is very important in their daily lives. Both of the Mayan and Egyptian were polytheistic, or believed in many gods. The Egyptian honored their Pharaohs as gods who intervene on behalf of the higher gods, like earth and sun gods. They honored their gods by offering goods. Unlike the Egyptians, the Mayans didn’t have a priestly caste because they believed that only their kings can …show more content…

This means that the people in a society are put into groups of characteristics or relationships. For example, most social structures consist of having peasants or slaves on the bottom like the Mayans and Egyptians. On the top of the social pyramid, both cultures have their king or Pharaoh. Under the Egyptian Pharaoh, it is usually government officials like nobles and priests. After that are the soldiers, scribes, merchants, artisans, and farmers. Of course the slaves and servants are on the bottom. The Mayan king is followed by chosen people from the noble class, priesthood; astronomers and astrologers, merchants and traders, and finally peasants; farmers. The only difference is that the Mayans have no slaves and the top of the pyramid of the Maya is their king, while of Egypt it’s their

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