Effects of Five Life Factors on an Individual's Development

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In this unit, I will be explaining how the five life factors effect the development of an individual. I will also explain how two predictable and unpredictable life events influence an individual’s development. Many events take place in an individual’s life which influences their development and these can be both positive and negative on the development. Positive events would be; getting married, having children, recovering from an illness and making friends; however, there are also many negative events that can take place such as; failing an exam, divorce, losing someone and getting an illness. All these events can take place during ones life and can have a large affect on an individual’s development. There are five main events that I will be looking at which are genetics, environmental, socioeconomic lifestyle and biological. Most of these five events take place in almost everyone’s life and have a huge impact on how a person develops 1. Genetics Genetics influence and individual’s life in more then way depending on the severity of the situation. This is because Genetic instructions are not infallible and can go off track at times. Sometimes when a sperm or ovum is formed, the number of chromosomes can divide unevenly, causing the foetus to have more or less than the normal 23 chromosomes. Therefore when one of these abnormal cells joins with a normal cell a abnormality occurs. according to the national health service Researchers suggest that as many as half of all zygotes that form have more or less than 23 chromosomes, but most of these are spontaneously aborted and never develop into a full-term baby. According to stretch and Whitehouse (2010) in some cases, about 1 in every 200 births, a baby is born with an abnormal n... ... middle of paper ... ...d make it a lot harder for you to make friends also and you may get racist comments or you may even be racist yourself. However, it could also have a positive effect, you may be a lot happier and a calmer person making it easier for you to make friends, you may be more loving toward others and kinder which would help make a lot of friends which would boost your confidence and self esteem. Works Cited Walsh. Mark, (2011) Btech HSC national Level 3,london http://psychology.about.com/od/early-child-development/a/genes-and-development.htm http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Down+syndrome http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17847919 http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090202111303AAVDs21 http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090510034817AApH9d8 http://www.healtheducation.uci.edu/tobacco/socialsmoking.aspx ww.nhs.com

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