Effects Of Socialization In The Simpsons

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Socialization plays in important part in the passing on of culture from generation to generation. It is defined as the lifelong process of social interaction through which we acquire a self-identity and the skills needed for survival. The agents of socialization provide the necessary social interactions to teach culture to individuals in a society. The four primary agents of socialization include parents, education, peers, and media. The most pervasive one, media, has a major role in teaching messages about the norms in culture. The purpose of this project was to observe the subtle messages that a TV series, like The Simpsons, send about gender, class, disability/ability, and age. In the episode, Dancin ' Homer, we observe the subtle messages …show more content…

Within the beginning of the episode, there are some subtle hints of ageism present. For example, there is a scene in which one of the older players attempts to throw a pitch only, but creates a weak throw. This prompts some of the characters to deem these players as "washed up", suggesting that they are not as good as they were when they were younger. Later on in the episode, it is mentioned that Homer has a chance to be a mascot for a major league team of a nearby city. He is initially concerned as he states that there is already a mascot for that team. The owner informs him that that mascot is getting too old for this position and a newer and better mascot must take his place. …show more content…

The episode begins with the introduction of the new computer coding teacher in the school, who is female. Immediately, the boys in the class dismiss her abilities to competently teach coding. She ultimately decides to belittle the coding abilities of the males of the class. However, when she notices Lisa as the sole female in the room she immediately gives her special attention. When Lisa ultimately decides to create a world-changing app, her teacher gives her utmost support by helping her create the app with the help of an almost all-female coding group. Here her teacher ultimately tells her the lesson of that the ability of a woman achieving any kind of success in a male-dominated field stems from the fact that she must be at least twice as good has a man would be, even if it means having to step on them in order to progress. Lisa makes the decision to go with her teachers ' idea, but it creates conflict when she ultimately decides to terminate the app. Her teacher begs her not to in order to show the world that girl coders can do extraordinary things and questions whether or not she 's tough enough to stand out. Lisa states that she is being tough, but in her own way and ultimately sticks to her own

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