Effects Of Social Media On Self-Esteem

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Human beings are social creatures by nature. We have a natural impulse to relate among us in order to meet various needs, including emotional necessities. The novelty is that the capacity of human associations is being enhanced and shaped by technological advances nowadays, which have allowed us, among other possibilities, to connect with others without the limits of time and space. Particularly, adolescents are the wide users of internet and the social media. Indeed, in recent years there has been an increase of socialization through the cyberspace with a striking tendency in young people preferring interactions in social networks rather than face-to-face relationships. Online interactions are being widely used as a substitute of meeting friends …show more content…

As Roberts and Mroczek (2008) pointed out, personality traits and general personality are susceptible to change depending on environmental factors and experiences along the person’s life. Thus, the self-concept is a fluid identity that is continually adjusting to the environment and changes throughout the lifespan. It is composed by two entities, the “real self” and the “ideal self.” Normally, in our daily life there are not many differences between who we are and who we would like to be. But in internet, this gap can take even greater proportions because people can choose those features they want to show to others. Social networks such as Facebook allow us to build and rebuild our public self or best self, matching our ideal self. Once we make this public profile, social media acts as a mirror of ourselves, a mirror that we manage and with which we set up our self-presentation. Several studies have found that adolescent girls often use gender stereotypes in their presentations online and try to look attractive, in the same way that teenager boys want to show their more masculinized features. Although men increasingly receive more pressure to self-present themselves as attractive, girls tend to exhibit a more sexualized presentation and to be more expressive than boys in the social networks. Thus, this online self-presentation meets …show more content…

For example, teenagers that do not receive as much perceived acceptance through social media such as receiving more comments or likes, will experience lower self-esteem because there is an incongruence between what they think they should be receiving and the feedback they are actually obtaining. In addition, recent studies show several mental disorders that correlate with the use of internet and social media such as addiction to internet, narcissistic personality, cyberbullying, and depression in the youth. Indeed, Steiger and colleagues (2014) found that lower self-esteem in teenagers actually predicts depression in adulthood. Thus, it is important to be careful with the impact of social media in the self-esteem of youth because it can cause other mental health outcomes later on in life, especially in minorities. However, Meyer (2015) showed that resilience is build up in all of us, particularly in minorities that have been exposed to minority stress. As psychologists, is important that we focus on the interpersonal conflicts our patients are experiencing, obtaining information from collateral sources. Oltmanns and Turkheimer (2009) pointed out that most personality disorders are related to interpersonal conflict. Thus, third-party informants can provide psychologists with important information

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