Effects Of Childhood Trauma

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Childhood trauma has a significant impact on the life of a child. It affects the child’s overall functioning and development, including emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and social elements. (Perry, Pollard, Blaicley, Baker, & Vigilante, 1995). An overwhelming number of children experience some type of trauma in developmentally critical years which, as previously mentioned, has a major impact on the various aspects of their functioning- specifically their development. Trauma can present itself in a multitude of forms. It may occur that the child lives or lived in a state of poverty or that he suffered a significant injury or the loss of a parent or caregiver. A disheartening number of children experience neglect or abuse in its various forms; …show more content…

According to research done by Gokmen Arslan (2016), childhood “psychological maltreatment” may directly indicate depression, or low self-esteem in adulthood. Childhood abuse and general trauma are two major risk factors of depression in adolescent and adult years (Wingo et al. 2010). While the term “depression” often is used in a colloquial manner, it is not a disease to be dealt with casually. According to Wingo et al., sixteen percent of the population is affected by major depression alone. Additionally, it is one of the top ten causes for disability and untimely death in the United States. This number does not include dysthymia and other mental health issues which brings the percentage up to almost 19% (Reserved, 2016). Roy, Carli, & Sarchiapone (2011) even address studies that show a correlation between childhood trauma and suicide attempts in patients with psychiatric disorders. Furthermore, there is a strong correlation between experiencing childhood trauma and substance abuse, which can lead to additional social, emotional, and developmental problems (Calmes, 2012). These psychological challenges are not necessarily caused by childhood trauma; however, they are a result of the “dysfunctional” and “addictive” behaviors that many survivors engage in (Putnam, 2006). Childhood trauma can cause a disrupt in personality development which will in term harm the way that the child develops emotionally, physically, behaviorally, cognitively, morally, and relationally. Therefore, the child may have to work very hard to live a life free of negative consequences from his or her

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