12 Core Concept Paper

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Reflection Paper #2 Reviewing the 12 Core Concepts of the National Child Trauma Stress Network, James is suffering from three of the 12 concepts. Number 1 core concept, Traumatic experience are inherently complex. Traumatic experiences are inherently complex no experience are the same varying degrees of objective life threat, physical violation, witnessing of an injury or death. The victim perceives their surroundings and decides what is best for them now safety and self-protection. Number 4 core concept, A child or adolescent can exhibit an extensive range of reactions to suffering and loss. Number 9 core concept, the developmental neurobiology triggers a youth’s reactions to traumatic experience. In this paper, we will be covering another trauma that affects the social worker or case worker who works on these cases of …show more content…

A social worker who works with children who is traumatized and suffers from PTSD, then the worker mirrors the symptoms and suffers also from the traumatized event as the patient suffered. Vicarious trauma (VT) over time this process can lead changes in you. The symptoms usually fall into five categories: Emotional symptoms make some people suffer from anxiety, or sadness changes of mood or sense of humor. Behavioral symptoms might include isolation, increase of using alcohol or substance consumption, difficulty sleeping habits and eating binges. Physiological symptoms which affects your well-being, suffer from frequent headaches, heartburn, and ulcers. Cognitive symptoms that lead to negativity thinking, difficulty concentrating, memory episodes, lack of energy. Spiritual symptoms include a loss of hope, feeling of disconnect from others. Questioning your own life purpose with your job (Good Therapy). A key component changes in spirituality, which impacts the way you view the world and your sense of meaning about

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