Effects Of Airplanes

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One amazing thing about humans is that they are constantly creating new things; things that can both help and hinder the world. Wilbur and Orville Wright were high school drop outs that built bicycles. The thing that they are most known for though is being credited with creating the first successful aircraft in 1903, and I believe that this has had a great influence on how the world is today. The creation of the airplane has had many effects on the world, and a very simple one of those effects is giving people the feeling of being able to do the impossible. From early ages people used to watch birds fly and wonder what it would be like to soar high in the sky. After much trial and error the Wright brothers gave mankind a glimpse into that …show more content…

Their creation has led to modern airplanes allowing people to travel farther distances in shorter periods of time. Not only can people travel far and quickly, but also goods, cultures, ideas, diseases, etc. The invention of the airplane has allowed the world to connect in millions of ways. This has personally impacted my life in a big way since my mother’s side is American and my father’s side is German. If it were not for the invention of the airplane I would not be able to travel overseas as easily, which is something that I am quite thankful for. Another major thing that airplanes have been used for is for battle. Airplanes have become a huge tactic to win wars. Flying above the enemy allows things like bombs or flyers to be dropped, it gives one a better view, it helps people travel quicker, send information quicker, and many other useful components in combat. So just as planes can bring parts of the world together they are also able to tear them …show more content…

Economy has been an important aspect of many countries for years now, and airplanes are a great way to create many jobs. There are people that need to produce the material that planes are made out of, people that need to build the planes, people who can fly the plane and depending on the type of plane even some other crew members. For commercial airlines there are flight attendants, people who load luggage, direct traffic, etc. For military purposes, there are people for bombing/ shooting, people giving instructions, navigators, and many more possibilities. There are also airports created, and maintenance of the vehicle,

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