Effect of Temperature on the Time Duration Between the First and the Second Bounce of a Bouncy Ball

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The Temperature Effect on the Time duration Between the First and Second
Bounce of the Ball
How the temperature of the ball affects the time duration between the first and the second bounce when a ball is dropped from a fixed height?
In this experiment, the effect of temperature on the time duration between the first and the second bounce ofa bouncy ball is being tested. In this experiment, the bouncy ball is stored at different temperatures and then tested on how time durationbetween first two bounces changeswith temperature when the ball is dropped from a fixed height.
According to the Law of Conservation of Energy, energy neither be created nor be destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to another, although the amount of energy remains the same.
In this ball drop experiment, a ball is dropped from a fixed height of h1. It then bounces upward after hitting the ground to a peak height of h2 and travels downward to hit the ground again during the time t as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1.Ball Bounce from a Height.
Beforethe ball is dropped, the ball is liftedup from its resting surface. When the ball is lifted up, potential energy (PE) is gained by the ball as it is raised to the heighth1 above the ground.As h1 h2 t Ball
Ameerah Syed the ball is dropped, it falls towards the ground and its potential energy is transforms into kineticenergy (KE) due to its motion. The kinetic energy of the ball continuesto increase as the ball gains momentum, until it finally hits with the surface. When the ball collides, the kinetic energy is transformed into other forms of energy. When it hits the surface, some energy is transformed into sound energy and some of it is transformed into thermal energy fr...

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... doing his experiment was that at first I had decided to use a thermometer to measure the temperature; however, this would not be possible with a bouncy ball and therefore I used an infrared temperature gun.
In order to further improve the accuracy of the experiment, I will use a sound recorder which has accuracy higher than 0.01s, and a laser infrared temperature gun more accurate than 2%.
Finally, the experiment conducted in this report clearly shows that when a ball is dropped from a fixed height at different temperatures, the time difference between the first and the second bounce increases with the increase in temperature, and the equation obtained through the experiment for the temperature versus the time difference between the first and second bounce had an absolute error in the slope of only 0.0007 s/°C and the absolute error in the intercept of only 0.0291s.

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