Edmund Burke Abuse Of Power

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During the treatment of the American colonies by British testament in the late 1700s, Edmund Burke, an Irish statesman, strongly asserts that “The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.”As it is with many things in life, there can always be too much of something; therefore, there is a certain degree of power a person or a group of people can obtain. Abuse of power is the most critical issue facing many cultures today because it leads to instability in a society and the genocide of a group. The discerning issue, abuse of power, in present day is implied through instability in a society. One example is Martin Luther King Jr’s speech “Beyond Vietnam” on the aimless and selfish U.S. war efforts regarding Vietnam’s inner strife with …show more content…

Similar to this topic, genocide of a group is brought on by the abuse of power. Such as, the white settler’s decision to wipe out a group of Native Americans for their own benefit in expanding their territory. Due to this circumstance, Chief Joseph, a member of this Native American tribe, gives a speech in “Surrender at Bear Paw Mountain, stating “My people… have no blankets and no food”(Joseph).The selfish desires of the white settler’s to secure their high status through new territory and resources drives them to push out their “obstacles”. Hence, they chose genocide for a more effective solution to the problem, leaving the tribe members helpless to overcome survival. However, while some may argue that the genocide of Native American’s shaped America’s history and future, it tore the Native American’s own home down through violence in the process, laying the foundation for more acts of unnecessary uses of power to come. Given these points, it can be concluded that both instability in a society and the genocide of a group will create abuse of power, which is the most critical issue faced by cultures today. This abuse of power is seen through the control over “inferior” people; abusers are in pursuit of their own needs instead of the welfare of all the people. This problem has impacted many aspects of every society in the world, negatively affecting the individuals who are caught between this relinquishing power and the struggle to overcome the barrier to a peaceful

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