Edgar Allan Poe Rabies Essay

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Edgar Allan Poe was setting out for Baltimore. On October third a man named Joseph Walker had found Poe lying outside by Gunners hall, not normally dressed and unconscious. Poe was unaware of surroundings and was fatigue. Joseph had made contact with a doctor and had sent Poe to the hospital. Four days later Poe had died in the hospital. No scientist had figured out the true reason why Poe died, and we will never actually know because no one had an autopsy for Poe after his death. Many people believed he died of alcoholism, rabies, brain tumor, and the flu, but all of these add up to meningitis and encephalitis. Edgar Allen Poe had died of encephalitis and meningitis, and here are my reasons why I believe this. We know Poe’s symptoms …show more content…

Scientist had thought that Poe had a severe case of the flu, which is right but it is now known as Encephalitis and Meningitis. Poe’s symptoms are similar to rabies to but there is an explanation for that. Poe did have rabies, which later on progressed into an illness that had spread into his blood. Encephalitis can be caused by rabies from any animal including insects like mosquitos. By the facts that we know, rabies do not have to show a bite-mark, not all of them are visible to human eye, so therefor Poe could have had rabies. How likely is to get bitten from a tick or a mosquito out in the wilderness traveling? It is very likely so Poe did have rabies, but he didn’t die of rabies he died from encephalitis or meningitis. Twenty-six years later after Poe had died they had decided to honor Poe by making a monument for him. When they had reburied him they had found a chunk of his brain (or a lump), scientist had found out that brain tumors don’t decay. A tumor is swelling of the body caused by abnormal growth of tissue. The swollen brain would be an explanation for this because meningitis and encephalitis is a bacterial disease that affects the brain and the spinal cord. Another reason people believe Poe died was from alcoholism. Joseph Walker thought Poe was drunk and had consumed too much alcohol. Yes Poe was found outside of a bar, but you don’t have to go

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