Edgar Allan Poe Alcohol Theory

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The death of the famous poet, Edgar Allan Poe, may forever remain a mystery. There have been countless theories of Edgars’ death, but no one knows for sure what happened. Edgar Allan Poe was found dead on October 7th, 1849 after being found delirious and incompetent on October 3rd, a couple of days before. No sort of autopsy was done on Edgar and he was buried two days after his death. This leads to the countless number of theories about the death of Edgar Allen Poe. One of the main theories was the alcohol theory. This is the main theory that most people think about when you talk about the death of Edgar Allan Poe. . Edgar Allan Poe was a major drunk all his life and it got worse after his young wife Virginia had passed away. Another reason that Poe had always been in the bottle is that his wealthy guardian cut him off and he got stricken with poverty. It has been suggested that poor nutrition and a weakened immune system that led to other illnesses could have allowed delirium to occur with fewer and less intense episodes of drinking. It was believed that Poe could not handle his alcohol and was often drunk after one glass of wine. Although the theory of Edgar Allan Poe being a drunk is the most popular …show more content…

This was one of the first theories that came about in 1867. There was a man by the name of Ruffian who had beaten a woman a few years before. According to the account, Poe had met with some of his friends. His friends pressured him to go out drinking with them knowing he couldn’t handle his alcohol. After a single glass of wine, Poe had become extremely drunk and delirious. After he had gotten drunk, Poe left without his friends to walk the streets. While drunk, it was reported that Poe had been beaten by Ruffian and left unconscious in the streets all night. Although this theory also doesn’t explain why he disappeared for five days and was in ill-fitting clothes that weren’t his, it was one that was considered a

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