Eating Disorders Research Paper

600 Words2 Pages

Socio-cultural influences Eating disorders Research in prevalence rates has uncovered the fact that most eating disorders occur in women and presented extended well documented evidence to support such facts. While eating disorders have multiple determinants - familial, biological and psychological - the feminine gender was linked to socio-cultural influences that exert unrealistic social pressures in order to lose weight, look fit and diet - sometimes promoting dangerous and unhealthy eating habits (Stein, 1991; Striegel-Moore et al, 1986). The majority of women suffering from eating disorders are residing in the urbanized and westernized cultures and this fact provides support for the idea that socio-cultural environments play a considerable role in the development of eating disorders. The hypothesis behind the socio-cultural model to eating disorders is that cultural environments or events can increase social-pressures - like, for example the pressure to be thin, to have a lean figure - in some women who are already susceptible to pathology (Johnson and Connors, 1987). Many stud...

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