Duty Supervisor Essay

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As a duty supervisor, you are responsible for all the officers within your shift. Duty supervisor gives out orders to all the officers. He is responsible for maintaining order in the shift. He takes care of supervisory request from all the officers. If a suspect wants to talk to a supervisor, and probably file a complaint, Duty supervisor is called to the scene. The supervisor has to hear the suspect out, and to decide if the officer's decision was correct, or not. The duty supervisor has to give out patrol assignments, as well. He deals with a lot of situations, and that's why the supervisor's job isn't easy at all. It requires a lot of hard work, a lot of dedication to what you do. They need to keep their professionalism to the highest level possible, because all the officers look up to them. As a duty supervisor, you basically need to handle all your officers. You need to observe their work, and award it if they are doing a good job, or punish them if they do something that's not by the book. Supervisor has to make a correct decision about punishing people, too. That's why the position is really hard, because if you must punish someone you're good with, you need to be objective. You need to give him the punishment he deserves, because if you fail to do so, you will get disciplined as well. That's why people usually …show more content…

You need to be good with them. You must be polite. It's good if you show that you're polite. You can wish them a good morning, buy them a cop of coffee, socialize with them. It's important for them to know that they can trust you, and that they can rely on you. They must know that they can talk to you whenever they have a problem, or whenever they need an advice. You shouldn't swear, yell, shout, scream. You need to keep your volume low, and speak to them normally. You are not any better than them, you are just a normal officer, like any other. The officers need to feel comfortable when they talk to

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