Duran Bailey

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Sexual homicide of a homeless African American male
Found beaten, sexually mutilated, covered in garbage in a dumpster enclosure where he regularly slept (bank property across from Palms Hotel in Vegas)
Name was Duran Bailey (known rapist?)
Book quotes this article: https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=16400091061956784877&q=nevada+v.+lobato&hl=en&as_sdt=6,49&as_vis=1
July 8, 2001 Vegas police responded to a report dead body behind a dumpster on West Flamingo Road in Vegas. Autopsy shows extensive wounds inflicted by sharp and blunt objects. Coroner testified that Bailey’s demise preceded discovery of the body by ten to eighteen hours, and that some documented blunt force injuries were consistent with an assault with a baseball bat or with a fall against a cement curb. Coroner identified several broken teeth, abrasions to head, series of depressed/non-depressed skull injuries to the front, …show more content…

Her name was Diann Parker, and she had been raped by him a week prior. July 9th. She and Bailey were acquaintances, on occasion exchanged sex with him for crack cocaine. Parker said that several Mexican men in her apartment complex saw Bailey slap and threaten her on July 1st while she was drinking beer with him. Later that day, Bailey returned, enraged when she told him she did not want anything more to do with him. After forcing his way into her apartment, he beat and kicked her, raped and tried to sodomize her while forcing a knife to her neck and threatening to kill her. She called 911 three days later when he returned and tried to break into her apartment. Thowsen and LaRochelle knew Parker had significant motive to want to see Bailey harmed/killed, photographs of extensive injuries from the beating Bailey inflicted were eerily similar to the wounds on Bailey’s face and neck. Bailey even cut her neck with the knife near her carotid artery, just as he had done to him days

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